Eye of the Storm

Staying in the Eye of the Storm: Navigating Life's Turbulences with Wisdom from The Department Store of the Soul

As the solar eclipse casts its shadow this April 8th, 2024, it brings with it a powerful metaphor for the tumultuous times we often face in our lives. Just as the moon momentarily obscures the sun, creating a moment of darkness in the middle of the day, our lives too can suddenly be overshadowed by challenges and uncertainties. However, within this celestial event lies a profound lesson on tranquility and resilience, beautifully encapsulated in the wisdom of "The Department Store of the Soul."

Finding Your Center

At the heart of this eclipse's lesson is the concept of finding and maintaining your center, akin to staying in the eye of the storm. In "The Department Store of the Soul," this center represents your core self, the unchanging essence amidst life's fluctuating circumstances. To stay in the eye of the storm, you must first identify this core, which is your sanctuary of peace and clarity.

Embracing the Shadows

Eclipses are natural phenomena that bring light and darkness into stark contrast. They remind us that shadows are not just absences of light but integral parts of our existence. Similarly, the book teaches us to embrace our shadows, acknowledging our fears, doubts, and the unknown aspects of ourselves. By confronting these shadows, we can understand them better and prevent them from overwhelming us during turbulent times.

The Illusion of Turmoil

Just as the eclipse is a temporary phase, the storms in our lives are transient. "The Department Store of the Soul" encourages us to view our challenges from a broader perspective, recognizing them as passing events in the grand scheme of our existence. This perspective helps us remain calm and collected, ensuring that we don't get caught up in the apparent chaos.

Navigating with Inner Light

During an eclipse, the corona of the sun, its outer atmosphere, becomes visible, reminding us that there is light even in darkness. Similarly, within each of us is an inner light, a guiding force or intuition, that can help navigate through life's storms. The book advises us to tune into this inner light, using it as a compass to guide our decisions and actions.

The Power of Stillness

In the eye of the storm, there is stillness, a powerful force of calm and stability. "The Department Store of the Soul" teaches the importance of cultivating stillness through meditation, mindfulness, or simply pausing to breathe. In moments of upheaval, accessing this stillness can provide the clarity and peace needed to move forward.


As we witness the eclipse today, let it be a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the impermanence of our troubles. "The Department Store of the Soul" offers timeless wisdom to help us stay centered, embrace our entirety, and navigate life's storms with grace and resilience. In the eye of the storm, amidst the whirlwind of life's challenges, we can find a place of profound peace and understanding, guiding us through the darkness and back into the light.

If you don't live in Mexico, the US or Canada, where you can catch the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, your next opportunity will be on August 12, 2026. The path of totality for this celestial event will pass through northern Spain and the Balearic Islands, offering a prime viewing experience. Remember, you don't have to see it to feel it, as its astrological influence unfurls in your life in the coming months.

Shooting at the Moon

Rockets to the Eclipse!

Some people here are getting
All their knickers in a twist
About rockets being fired
Into the eclipse
On the eighth of April
Twenty-Twenty Four
We will surely not heralding
Intergalactic War
What triggers people so
Of all the things that they could know
Look at just who winds you up
To press the button GO!
The only real conspiracy
Is the one inside your soul.